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Our mission is to completely serve and satisfy our customer's
We are committed to making a difference
continually getting better to keep us the best.

Copyright Yorkshire Mortar & Screed All rights reserved | Tel. 01977 621 926 - 07837877 126 | Email. craig@yorkshiremortar-screed.co.uk
Readymade is delivered to site for discharge into site containers, or into containers on smaller projects.
Flexible for jobs of all sizes.
Readymade can be delivered to suit the requirements of the customer,
and avoid interruption to work schedules.
Readymixed renders can also be provided on request.
Readymade mortar is manufactured from computerised weighing systems, under carefully monitored conditions to ensure optimum quality. Both the finished product and all component materials comply with relevant
British Standards.
Ready-to-use mortars should be stored on level, dry areas at a safe
distance from other trades and site traffic. When not in use the material should be kept in covered tubs to prevent saturation caused by rain.
Excessive drying out during warm weather
Freezing during frosty weather.

Readymade is compatible for use with all normal building materials, and
will not cause or increase the corrosion of embedded metals. Ideal in brick
and block laying, Readymade is suitable for application both above and
below the damp proof course.

Working in hot conditions
The primary concern during hot weather is the evaporation of water from
the mortar and a reduced board life. If sufficient water is not present, the
bond between the mortar and brickwork may be reduced. Readymade
tubs should be kept covered and all material, equipment and mortar
boards kept in the shade at all times. Tubs and mortar boards should also
be rinsed with cool water before they come into contact with the mortar.
Under hot, dry and windy conditions bricks and blocks should be laid
more rapidly after placing the mortar. It is also recommended that newly
laid masonry is protected against rapid drying by covering with
damp hessian or similar sheeting in extreme conditions.
Working in cold conditions
Mortar strength generally occurs at temperatures over about
4C. Therefore it is recommended not to lay masonry when the
temperature falls below this as the characteristics may be affected,
especially during periods of freezing conditions.
Mortar tubs should be adequately covered to provide protection against
rain, frost and snow. During prolonged periods of very cold weather, it is
best practice to store the material away. Do not use mortar that contains
ice particles or lay mortar on frozen surfaces.
All bricks and blocks should also be adequately covered to provide
protection against rain, frost and snow. Masonry that is saturated should
not be laid, or when there is a danger of freezing.
As mortar hardens more slowly in cold weather, all newly laid masonry
should be covered to provide protection against rain, frost and snow.
Unless the work is protected there is always the risk that water in the
mortar and masonry will freeze. If there is any danger of this, then
consider using an insulating layer like hessian or quilting, which should be
kept dry by covering with waterproof sheeting. Position the protective
covers away from facework to avoid sweating and consequent staining.
Secure the covers to prevent them from being dislodged by wind and
allow the masonry to dry out before removing.
Readymade mortar is manufactured from computerised weighing systems,
under carefully monitored conditions to ensure optimum quality. Both
the finished product and all component materials comply with relevant
British Standards.
The controlled production of Readymade results in an extremely
durable product. The range also demonstrated superior resistance to
penetration by rain water, which can greatly prolong the life of your masonry
Readymixed renders can also be provided on request