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Traditional Sand & Cement fibre Screed System


Traditional floor screed basically consists of sand & cement mixed at a ratio of between 3 to 5 parts sand & 1 part cement. In the majority of cases 4 to 1 is quite sufficient. In the past reinforcement was achieved by using Hex wire (chicken wire) or D49 mesh.  In the early 90's Polypropylene Fibres (PPF) started to become very popular, and today PPF is the most common used reinforcement for traditional floor screed. Traditional screed drying times vary according to the weather conditions, depth and manufacturers  admixtures used. Laying Traditional floor screed is applied with a straight-edge, wooden / plastic float and finished with a trowel or power float.  The basics are to find four level points, level between two with the straight-edge, level between the opposite two, and pull off between the 'screeds' with the straight-edge, to find a flat area.

These screeds can be used in all situations where a final covering is applied. Sand cement screed can be laid to falls and is suitable for wet areas but will not tolerate being saturated. Shower areas etc need to have a waterproof covering i.e. vinyl, tiles etc.


Fast Drying Screed System


We list some of our most commonly specified below, all of which are suitable for use over Under Floor Heating. We install fast drying pump applied screed for leveling and refurbishing floors. We provide a high speed installation for large areas using hi-tech cement based systems and modern application techniques. For projects which have strict time restraints where application time is more critical than drying time, sometimes flowing screed is the best option. Flowing screeds are often the preferred choice for screeding over Under Floor Heating. We would only recommend using a liquid screed for thin based screeds or for leveling existing screed.            


These fast drying systems can easily deal with aggressive ground water conditions, where basements are liable to flooding, or indeed where simple dampness, contamination or salting problems are liable. As well as being a complete waterproofing and damp proofing system, fast drying systems are also used to upgrade damp and defective floors. As there is little or no preparation required the system is by comparison quick to install.


Bonded & Latex Screed Systems


Resin Flooring is a specialist, decorative floor finish applied to a concrete or screed substrate. Resin flooring systems have outstanding wearing properties with high chemical resistance. Resin flooring is ideally suited to aggressive areas where a seamless, joint free finish is required and where maximum cleanliness is essential. Food processing and storage , abattoirs, drinks production, dairies and general heavy duty plant and traffic areas are just some of the environments that are suitable for this system. Whilst many systems are trowel applied, seamless resin floors boasting many of the same characteristics are installed as self-smoothing or levelling screeds. They provide smooth dense surfaces which are durable, hygienic and easy to clean. These types of screeds come in a variety of colours and finishes. These can be enhanced, with decorative flakes and coloured aggregate to produce a wide range of exiting floor finishes.


Latex and bonding screeds can also used for the repair and restoration of existing floor surfaces, in order to lay directly the final floor finishes. This ensures that costs are kept to a minimum and the repair is undertaken speedily. This type of screed is relevant to all sectors of the building industry and can be provided as a package with other screed systems or simply as an individual item. We can offer the supply and lay of various latex & bonded screed products to be applied to concrete or screed sub bases, the purpose of this is to obtain a thin smooth surface for which to apply the floor finishes.


Reinforced Screed System


Screed reinforcement is a recommendation for use in screed constructions. There are various options that can be adopted which consist of fibres or metal mesh. The general purpose is to restrain the drying stress generated from the cement in a screed system. The natural process is for the screed to try to curl and crack as well as shrinkage that is inherent in cementitious products. The reinforcement is designed that if a crack occurs, it will hit the mesh / fibres and deflect the stress, therefore reducing the effect. A crack does not necessarily mean a failed screed and there are appropriate methods for repair, depending on the final floor finish. Generally thicker finishes would not require any further maintenance. Tiles and vinyl finishes would require a repair and generally an epoxy can be successfully applied as recognised in the British Standard.


Fibre Reinforced Screeds incorporate polypropylene fibres which largely use fabric reinforcement for control of shrinkage and cracking. Even dispersion of fibres throughout the screed section enhances the screed in terms of compressive, flexural and impact strength. Fibre reinforced screeds available to suit your requirements. Specialists reinforced grades for under floor heating are also available.


Please note: floor screeders can be provided or

recommended upon request


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